Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, no one said it'd be easy

Try living in the moment for five minutes. No past, no future. Just the present. Oh wow, this meditation business is hard. It'll get easier eventually, apparently.

Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā!


Erika Awakening, said...

Have you tried Holosync? I really love it. It's sound technology that takes all the work out of meditation and makes it sooo easy and relaxing. I've been using it for over two years now with great results. Even meditate while sleeping.

I like your blog. Short but sweet entries.

Erika Awakening

PseudoRandom said...

No I haven't tried it :-). I think from a Buddhist perspective, the 'work' is an essential part of the I'm keen to stick with it. I'm glad Holosync works for you!

I'm glad you like the blog :-). It's more of a side-blog I've kept for chronicling my 'spiritual' tendencies...the main blog is here (and very different!).