Sunday, November 02, 2008

Religious Tolerance?

What is religious tolerance? Is it possible to be tolerant about a religion that you perceive as inferior to your own? This troubles me.

As I see it, a lot of people confuse 'religious tolerance' with 'pity'. A lot of people think that those who don't follow their own religion need to be saved. And some of those who don't follow any religion seem to revel in religion-bashing. What's the point? What does anyone stand to gain by ridiculing someone else's beliefs? What gives us the right to stand atop the moral pedestal and point and laugh at everyone below? Aren't we all in the same boat, just trying to find our own way of making it in this maze of life?

Sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā!


Foxhound said...

Well... what better way to validate our own viewpoint then by ridiculing that of others... thereby raising the position of our beliefs in our eyes and quite possibly in the eyes of others as well.

Anonymous said...

christianity doesnt say there is no karma, it just says, our conscience is the law, and because of our nature, we can not ever really live up to it. this saving you rightfully pointed out as hurtful when brandished, is saving you from the consequence of karma... was reading ur other post, came to this and thought of replying-not trying to save you. and like ruwanwelisaya. have a neighbour/ distant relative who's a chemical engineer. cheers. my blog hasnt muhc recently, must put some stuff up...